The Messenger of Allah (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said that a man from Bani Israel (the tribe into which Prophet Moses/Musa was born)invited someone to his house, and in his house was a pregnant dog. The dog said: "By Allah, I will not bark at my owner’s guest". But her pups barked from inside her. It was said: “What is this?” So Allah, The Majestic inspired to one of the men that: this is like a community that will come after you, whose sufahaa’ (vulgar people) will overpower its hulamaa’ (people of hilm: forbearance).
-Narrated by imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal. It is Sahih according to shaykh Ahmad Shakir.
Courtesy of Dawud Israel, at Muslimology
May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon prophet Moses.