Wednesday, 2 February 2011

The Land of Pharoah

‎"The pro-democracy protesters are unarmed and have been peaceful at every step. But the pro-Mubarak thugs are arriving in buses and are armed — and they’re using their weapons."

Pro-Mubarak on horseback attack protesters in egypt

The pro-Mubarak supporters' presence, and attacks on the crowd, might be used to legitimise violence against the anti-Mubarak protestors. Mubarak is clearly not going to give up easily.May Allah ensure the safety of all protestors and thwart the attempts of Mubarak and his cronies to discredit and divide the protestors.

Al-Jaazeera reports that their cameras have been confiscated which strongly suggests the Mubarak regime are intent on heavy handed violence to quell the protests.He would rather this than leave, as per the request of his people. Reinforces how empty his words of last night were.The European Union are being as hypocritical as ever by calling for restraint on both sides, thus nicely discrediting the protestors,and, again, avoiding all calls for him to step down so that if he were to stay, he would continue to do their bidding.

Tony Blair describes Mubarak as 'immensely courageous and a force for good' | World news | guardian.

The Pro-mubarak supporters who have been out on the streets are nothing more than a collection of plain clothed paramilitary police and other criminal elements who have have been paid to stir up trouble.The Mubarak regime and indeed the US government are keen to discredit the legions of protestors. To do otherwise would reveal to the world, what the Arabs have long known, which is that the US has been bribing a despot (with foreign "aid") in return for his assuring the continued persecution of the Palestinians by the state of Israhell.

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